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What's New in Cin7


Updated: Dec 10, 2021

New Fixes & Upgrades

The following are updates and changes from about mid-May through mid-June. Module for Branch & Locations.

Correction to Branch Dropdown - Fixed bug that occurred when an ampersand (&) was entered in the branch dropdown list.

Fields for Logistics - We've added Logistics Carrier and Logistics Status fields to the GET Sales Orders API endpoint.

Fix for Returns - Fixed an issue that prevented the POS from processing a return if there was too many items.

Multibarcode Ranges - You can now add more than one barcode range. On the settings page, there is a Product tab that can be selected.

The Inactive Products Category - Inactive products can now be assigned categories.

Sales Module

Consolidated Pick Slip Correction - Printing consolidated pick slips now shows the stages for orders.

Creating backorders - Cin7 now doesn't proceed to copy tracking codes, discounts, or surcharges when creating backorders.

Stock Module

Stocktake Serial Numbers - In the Stocktake Master screen, serial numbers associated with products not counted during a Stocktake should now be visible.

Logging Automatic Adjustments - This feature logs any automatic adjustments made to stock and any changes made to review pages.

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